Friday, January 9, 2009

Morning Care

I. Definition: It is the care given in the early morning before serving

II. Purpose: To refresh patient and to clean him before breakfast.

III. Equipment:

1. Bed pan or urinal
2. Basin of warm water
3. Face towel
4. Bath towel
5. Toilet articles, such as comb, toothbrush and toothpaste
6. Glass (drinking)
7. Kidney basin
8. Glass drinking tubes or straw (for weak patient)
9. Bath soap and soap dish
10. Antiseptic solution (Listerine if desired)

IV. Points to remember:

1. Patient should be encouraged to help himself if condition permits.
2. Do not wait till bath time to change soiled sheets or garments.
3. Put the patient in comfortable position for breakfast.
4. Provide a space to set breakfast tray.

V. Procedure: (For the patient who are well enough)

1. Remove the mosquito and fold neatly; place it in beside the locker.
2. Greet the patient.
3. Offer bedpan or urinal; screen the patient
4. Place the patient in a semi-fowler’s or backrest position.
5. Adjust the bedside table and prepare all the necessary equipments.
6. Care of the mouth
a) Place a towel under the patient’s chin and give toothbrush on the top of patient’s towel ready for mouth rinsing.
b) Remove towel and kidney basin after.
7. Care of the face and hands
a) Protect bedding with towel when washing each part.
b) Wash around the eyes, neck, face, and ears using soap if desired. Dry
c) Wash hands in basin. Dry
8. Care of the hair
a) Put towel under head and comb hair. Braid if hair is long.
9. Level the bed. Straighten the bottom and top sheet. Change soiled or well lines.
10. Place fresh drinking water within the reach of patient
11. Place patient in a comfortable position ready for breakfast. Adjust bedside table for the coming tray.

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